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Infertility Treatment


Infertility Treatment

What is infertility?

Infertility, whether male or female, can be defined as 'the inability of a couple to achieve conception or to bring a pregnancy to term after a year or more of regular, unprotected intercourse.

What is the incidence of infertility worldwide?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 8-10% of couples experience some form of infertility problems. On a worldwide scale, this means that 50-80 million people suffer from infertility. However, the incidence of infertility may vary from region to re

Is infertility exclusively a female problem?

No. The incidence of infertility in men and women is almost identical. Infertility is exclusively a female problem in 30-40% of the cases and exclusively a male problem in 30-40% of the cases. Problems common to both partners are diagnosed in 10-15% of infertile couples. After thorough medical investigations, the causes of the fertility problem remain unexplained in only a minority of infertile couples (5-10%). This is called unexplained infertility.

What are the most common causes of infertility?

The most common causes of female infertility are ovulatory disorders and anatomical abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes. Less frequent causes include, for example, endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia, thyroid gland related problems.

In developing countries like India, infections of the womb such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and tuberculosis significantly, contribute to infertility.

Causes of male infertility can be divided into three main categories:
Sperm production disorders affecting the quality and/or the quantity of sperm;
Anatomical obstructions;
Other factors such immunological disorders.

Approximately a third of all cases of male infertility can be attributed to immune or endocrine problems, as well as to a failure of the testes to respond to the hormonal stimulation triggering sperm production. However, in a great number of cases of male infertility due to inadequate spermatogenesis (sperm production) or sperm defects, the origin of the problem still remains unexplained.


When a pregnancy is not located in the uterus it is called an Extra Uterine Pregnancy (EUG) or ectopic pregnancy.

The most common place for an EUG is the fallopian tube but sometimes the ectopic pregnancy is located elsewhere, such as in the cervix, the ovary or in the abdomen. EUG is a rare disease and occurs in 1% of all pregnancies. With IVF treatment the risk can increase. Risk factors for EUG are a history of infection of the tubes (Salpingitis), Chlamydia infection, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), genital tuberculosis, former EUG, operation on the tubes or in the lower abdomen, endometrioses and appendicitis.

The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are often similar to those of a normal miscarriage and may include a positive pregnancy test together with or without vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Although it is not common, the possibility of EUG has to be considered in patients with the symptoms and one (or more) of the risk factors for EUG. Diagnoses is made by questioning the patient on the risk factors, physical examination, vaginal ultrasound and laboratory findings, especially the serum BHCG levels.

Depending on the size and the location of the EUG, different treatments can be given. Nowadays, most of the ectopic pregnancies can be removed surgically by Laparoscope, without opening the abdomen. But occasionally medical treatment in the form of Methotrexate injection or expectant treatment is offered when the pregnancy is very small and thorough control of the patient is possible. Alternatively, one can directly inject drugs into the ectopic pregnancy, making use of a thin needle, under the guidance of Tranvaginal Sonography.

(PCOS) Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) – The new epidemic?

One out of every four girls suffers from it. It causes all the problems that she most detests - weight gain, acne, facial hair growth and irregular periods. Not only young girls but even middle aged women may be affected by the problem of PCOD.

>This is a problem that often runs in families and the mother and daughters may both be affected as there is a strong genetic component in its inheritance. One of the main problems in PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) as it is now called – is resistance to insulin.

As the person usually has high insulin levels – she has a tendency to gain weight and to develop diabetes as she grows older. Also, as there is a problem of anovulation the ovary does not produce eggs every month, hence the girl suffers from irregular periods (usually delayed) scanty or heavy flow and often has difficulty in conceiving. Due to the excess of male hormone in the system, there is acne and excess facial hair growth. Some girls with PCOS may be thin and not show acne etc but sonography will show ovaries with multiple small water filed cysts thus establishing the diagnosis. Also a hormone check will show high levels of male hormone and also high levels of insulin. As a result of abnormal hormones and irregular periods for many years, these women have a higher chance of developing cancer of the womb.

The treatment of PCOS depends a lot on the symptoms the patient has. The most important thing in the obese patients is weight loss as it significantly improves the entire picture. Lifestyle change is necessary which includes improvement in diet, increase in exercise and keeping weight in control.

For a young lady who has lot of pimples and facial hair and has irregular periods the best treatment is combined hormonal pill. Some of these drugs contain medicines which reduce facial hair growth and within a few months the patient has significant improvement. The existing facial hair can be treated cosmetically, and new growth will reduce. Also pimples will clear out and menses will become absolutely regular with regular hormone treatment.

The other group of women in whom conceiving is the major problem the treatment is totally different. They require medicines such as clomiphene or gonadotrophin injections to induce ovulation. Sonography is done to check if the egg is coming out every month or not (ovulation). Many of these patients have a very erratic response to drugs, either no effect or an excessive number of eggs growing in response to normal dose of medicines. Hence great care has to be taken when these women are treated for infertility. Many of these women become pregnant either with simple treatment or with test tube baby treatment (IVF) but there is also a high miscarriage rate in women with PCOS.

A good drug in these women with high insulin levels is metformin, an antidiabetic drug but which has been proven to improve the metabolism and help weight loss in obese PCOS patents even when their sugar levels are normal. Another treatment for patients with many cysts in their ovaries is laparoscopic burning of the cysts with a thin needle through which a current is passed (laparoscopic ovarian drilling). This is a simple short procedure and requires 2 – 3 small (1 cm) cuts on the belly through which the laparoscope (telescope) and camera are passed. As the cysts are burned, the male hormone levels fall and the patient may begin to ovulate spontaneously. This is a good technique especially in infertile patients where the tubes also have to be checked to see if they are open or not, as the procedures can be combined.

The problem of polycystic ovaries is massive; the important point is to have a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and exercise which will help to control this epidemic.

Cystic fibrosis and male infertility

Men who have cystic fibrosis often have a congenital anomaly in the male genital tract. The vas deferens, the tube connecting the testicle and epididymis to the ejaculatory duct is congenitally absent.

This makes it impossible for the sperm to pass through the penis. Using testicular sperm aspiration, the urologist can obtain sufficient sperm to allow excellent success with IVF and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). Insufficient numbers of sperm are obtained to make intrauterine insemination an effective option.

As cystic fibrosis is recessive genetic disorder, abnormal gene contributions from both parents are necessary for this disorder to be present. Both copies of the gene are abnormal in men with CF. While persons carrying a single copy of an abnormal gene do not have this condition, when paired with a partner with CF, they have a 50% chance of CF in their offspring. This makes testing the female partner advisable. If the woman tests normal, the children will be carriers for an abnormal gene and although they will not likely have CF, it is advised that their spouses be checked for CF gene abnormalities.

Cystic fibrosis is more commonly seen in European populations. Its prevalence in Asian populations is relatively on the lower side.

What is Endometriosis?

Histologically identical to endometrium (the inner lining of the uterine wall) outside the uterine cavity. Usually, endometriosis is confined to the pelvic and lower abdominal cavity; however, it has occasionally been reported to be in other areas, as well.

Endometriosis is one of the most common problems that gynaecologists currently face. It is one of the most complex and least understood diseases in our field and, despite many theories, we still do not have a clear understanding of the cause or of its relationship to infertility.

Since this disorder is primarily a human disease and rare in other animal species, accumulation of the facts has been slow. Although endometriosis has been considered a pathological or separate disease entity, it may not be a disease at all. It may actually be the clinical manifestation of a more basic underlying disorder, such as a basic chemical or physiological abnormality that affects the tubal motility or immune system which could be responsible for the initiation or progression of endometriosis in patients with retrograde menstrual flow.

By the same token, endometriosis may not be the cause of infertility, but the result of it. Further technological developments may be necessary in order for us to fully understand this problem.

Endometriosis is generally diagnosed at the time of Laparoscopy. Nowadays one can treat it by performing advanced Laparoscpic surgery using Lasers, electric current and scissors. In fact, with the advent of operative Laparoscopy, very few patients need to undergo the traditional method of opening the abdomen. Endometriosis can also be controlled (if not totally cured) by using various drugs such as Danazol, GnRh analogues or progesterones. The above mentioned treatments help many patients to become pregnant. The remaining patients may have to resort to IVF or ICSI. In our unit, we have found that ICSI gives better results than IVF.

What does Laparoscopy involve

The laparoscope allows visual inspection of the pelvic organs through a very tiny incision. Abnormalities that lead to infertility can be treated surgically through additional small incisions to remove scar tissue, laser, coagulate, or excise endometriosis, and repair tubes blocked at the fimbrial end. Many types of female reproductive surgery can be performed Laparoscopically, in the outpatient setting.

What causes recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage affects 1% of all women. The incidence of pregnancy loss among all women is about 15%. If the first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, there is only a slightly increased chance (18%) of this happening again second time round. However, after two miscarriages, this risk rises to 25-30%. For this reason, most doctors now recommend that a woman see a fertility specialist if she has experienced two miscarriages in a row.

At least 50% of pregnancies that miscarry in the first three months are believed to have a major chromosomal abnormality. This rate remains high for pregnancies lost during the second trimester (30%) and drops to 5% for those lost in the last trimester. Other possible causes include problems relating to the immune system, hormone imbalances, abnormally shaped uterine cavity, and pelvic infections.

Studies have also linked the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and excessive caffeine consumption to an increased risk of miscarriage. For some 50% of couples with recurrent miscarriage no explanation will be found for the problem. When a woman consults a specialist about her recurring miscarriages, the doctor will first try to diagnose the cause. The treatment will depend on what was found. If, for example, the woman is found to have uterine fibroids or polyps (two types of benign growths) surgery may be performed to remove these. Similarly, if she has a uterine septum (a congenital condition in which the uterus has a wall through the middle of it), surgery can correct this. If blood tests find that she has a hormonal dysfunction known as "luteal phase defect" (not producing enough of the hormone progesterone to support an early pregnancy), she can be given progesterone vaginal suppositories. If the presence of an organism called "Ureaplasma" is found, an antibiotic will be prescribed. If there are immunologic factors, aspirin therapy in early pregnancy may be prescribed. And, although controversial due to possible side effects, some doctors use "heparin" therapy - a series of injections which lowers the body's immunity to the fetus. The other newer advance in the treatment, is in the form of immunotherapy, where the women are injected with the lympocyte cells derived from the husband.

Infertility after 40

Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of trying. Millions of couples in India suffer from depression, anxiety and the stress of trying unsuccessfully to become parents.

There can be many causes for this. In 40 – 50% of couples, the husband has a poor sperm count or live sperms may be absent in the semen and the only way to check it is by doing a semen analysis. There are many remedies for this problem, especially ICSI (Intracyotoplasmic Sperm Injection) where one sperm is injected directly into the egg which is removed from the wife, has given hope to many couples with severe male factor infertility.

Donor sperm which is tested for all infections, is now freely available with semen banks, and is a simple and inexpensive option for some couples.

Women may have a problem becoming pregnant due to hormonal problems, blocked tubes or a damaged uterus. Once all tests including sonography and laparoscopy are done to check these, a treatment plan is worked out. This may include simple procedures using drugs to induce ovulation. (grow the eggs in the ovary) followed by intrauterine insemination (IUI). In women with blocked and damaged tubes usually the best option is test tube baby (IVF), which has very good results today.

In older women or those with ovarian failure, borrowing an egg from a younger woman (egg donation) gives her the ability to bear her own child and experience the pleasures of motherhood. In women with a damaged or abnormal womb (uterus), surrogacy is a solution where another women can carry the couple’s genetic child.

Science has progressed so much today that most childless couples can avail of the technological advances to help them to become parents, if nature wills otherwise.